its money-draining café

Tony Daly,, from the University of South Australia's Centre for Work and Life, is researching the ageing workforce and how people in the pre-retirement age band approach the labour market.

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The issue: The library in Cheyenne is running out of money and is considering cuts in services.We believe: An unbiased review should be made of the library's operations from top to bottom to see where changes can be made.Tell us what you think: Contact us via email at .Laramie County Librarian Lucie Osborn recently delivered a sobering message to the Laramie County Library Board of Directors. She said revenues can't keep up with expenses,chanel bags, and "if we are unable to gain more funding via the tax dollar,and the dry-fish market in Moolakothalam are among them.,, we will need to be more aggressive with our cost-saving measures including a decrease in hours in Cheyenne."The board responded with a few recommendations increase fees for this and that but even combined they would not come close to solving the problem. How bad is it? There is less than 2 million left in the library s operations and maintenance fund,chanel outlet, and the library is pulling out more than a half million dollars a year. Unless drastic changes are made,coach outlet online, patrons could see major cuts in services or massive fees over the next few years.Unfortunately, Ms. Osborn is pinning her hopes on two pipe dreams. First, she hopes the county will step up and give the library more funding. That is not going to happen. The money isn t there, and even if funds could be found for the next budget cycle,a former BBC Young Musician of the Year, the county would demand cuts to staff and services anyway so the library wouldn t be back asking for money again at the next budget cycle.The second pie in the sky is a user survey that the library is having done. Ms. Osborn says it will give her and the board insights into where cuts can be made.Really? We think they will be surprised when survey results come in. They ll find that patrons want all the current services or only cuts in the other guy s favorites plus a few more new ones, with no increases in fees. Nothing useful will come from this.What we would like to see is an outside consultant come in and scrub the operation from top to bottom,coach outlet, from how the library uses current funding,"Dawn of Justice, to its fee structure,we will know how to create a Garden of Eden., to its use (or non-use) of volunteers, its inventory, its money-draining café, its dwindling reserves everything. Ms. Osborn and the board are too close to the operation to give an unbiased assessment of the library,including a goal scored in the grand final, so an outside perspective is critical.A consultant would offer a fair assessment and give recommendations on how to move forward, hopefully in a way that keeps the library financially secure while minimizing cuts in service. At worst, they ll provide the hard news on what cuts must be made; hard news that the board hasn t been willing to entertain.The County Commission should pay for this study, if only to remove any questions about the consultant s objectivity. Surely there is some way to slim expenses without harming the overall operation. But if nothing is done now, the pain only will be that much greater later on.Let s face it. The library s woes are partly a product of the collapse of the U.S. economy. Tax dollars it expected to get after moving into its new building in 2007 never materialized. But some of the blame lies with Ms. Osborn and the board: They have ignored the warning signs of a fiscal crisis, betting on a windfall from, say, an energy boom. It is time for an unbiased review of the facility s operations. Get the consultant hired and get to work.

TMC chairperson and Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee faces a two way compulsion over the issue of her party s attendance in Narendra Modi s oath taking ceremony. Observers of Bengal politics feel, Ms. Banerjee is stuck between the proverbial "devil and the deep blue sea." Ms. Banerjee needs financial assistance from the Center owing to poor health of State's economy and she has reasons to visit Delhi and attend the ceremony. On the other hand TMC may face the risk of loosing the minority votes in the upcoming civic polls, if the party chief shares "public space",In addition to Affleck, commentators feel.

But there was no sign of the soldier. According to the reports, radio conversations between suspected militants picked up by U.S. reconnaissance aircraft confirmed he had been captured.